July 18th means that it is officially ten days until my birthday. My 28th birthday. My 28th birthday is on July 28th, which means it'll be my Golden Birthday, which means I'm golden. (Though I'd rather be platinum.)
I love birthdays. LOVE THEM. I love them with an adoration that can only be described as glittery and pink puffy-paint hearted. It's a day all! For! Me! And people give me presents! And buy me drinks! And dinner! And they say nice things about me! It's a glorious day! I looooooove it!
Because I love it so much, in recent years I've prescribed to a theory of not just having a birthday day, but a birthday "week". So the seven days before and after my birthday (July 28th) are officially KP's Birthday Week. (So my week runs from July 21st to August 4th. It's the most wonderful time of the year.) Which means I get to indulge in any way that I want, be it with an expensive bottle of wine, the purchasing of yet another sparkly necklace, demanding that we go out to the restaurant of my choice, taking three bubble baths a day or simply by squealing "IT'S MY BIRTHDAAAAAY!!!" During one's birthday "week", a person can also run around in a tiara and/or feather boa and nobody can roll their eyes at the birthday person because it's their day dammit.
I recognize that this all sounds a bit childish and selfish. But it's really not. The way I see it, people don't spend enough time doting on themselves and doing whatever they want. We live in a society where we're not supposed to give ourselves validation; instead we're supposed to work 50+ hours per week, juggle a ton of responsibilities and be available 24/7 because we're all chained to technology. We're also not expected to get sick--and if we do we're expected to bounce back immediately and be checking our email during our time "off". Americans get less vacation time than most other industrialized countries and we don't even take the friggen vacation days that we do get. I? Think all of these facts are stupid. And sad. And I refuse to be another working drone who doesn't have her life in balance. I think that I am pretty freaking fabulous and my birthday is the one time of year where it's socially acceptable for me to toot my own horn. (Women also get to do this at their Bachelorette parties and on their wedding days, but I don't see this happening for me anytime in the next decade. Plus I have some feminist issues with these things--but that's a whole other entry. Or blog.) I want to treat myself well and even if I'm stressed for the other 364 days of the year, I want one day--or "week"--to listen to myself. And to get presents. Because presents are awesome.
I do love me some gifts. Even when people just write me a note on a Post-it and give it to me, I get all giddy-fied inside. It's the thought that counts. I'm a diva, but I'm pretty easy to please. As a way to reflect and gain clarity on what I want, I make a wishlist on my other blog. It's a way to put it out into The Universe that these are things that would be fabulous to have. I never actually expect to get these things, but it can't hurt to wish, right? Like I said: presents are awesome. And this is what KP's wishing for on this, her Golden Birthday:
- A pony. I've wanted one since I was four. I'll keep right on wishing for this until the day I die.
- To be published. Oh, it's going to happen.
- A guest spot on Glee. Although once I arrive on the soundstage I'd promptly be removed for attempting to hump Mark Salling and Matthew Morrison. But still.
- A new car. My car is, um, less than perfect. I love it to bits--I do! But if there's one thing The Universe could do for me, it'd be to bestow upon me a newer vehicle. Please and thank you!
- A beau. One who is intelligent, funny and isn't put off by the massive amounts of reality tv that I watch. If he's cute, that'd be great too.
- A cruise with K-Dub. We seriously need to make this happen!
- Shopping sprees at Target and/or Barnes and Noble. AKA my meccas.
- Jewelry. This girl cannot have enough. Seriously.
- Wine. Tip it!
- To have an amazing 28th year. The words "abundance", "love", "fulfillment", "inspiration", "hope", "growth" and "friend-filled" come to mind. But I reserve the right to redefine "amazing" as much as I need to.
Feel free to crack open a bottle of wine on my day and do a toast if you so desire. I'm sure K-Dub won't pass up the opportunity to do so. I'd also encourage everyone to reflect on their own birthday wishes, purchase a tiara and mark their birthday weeks on their calendars. Because birthdays should be a big deal. Because really? We're all pretty much big deals and we need to celebrate that more often.
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