K-Dub: Promise me something?
KP: Umm...sure?
K-Dub: Promise me that you'll tell me IMMEDIATELY if my zipper is down, ok?
I knew we'd be fast friends. And we've gone strong ever since, despite the fact that I quit my job and gallavanted off to grad school and she quit her job and ran away to Florida (where she currently stalks the St. Petersburg monkey). Our friendship has grown steadily since our days of cheese and celebrities because we're committed to harassing each other via email, text and Facebook. It's a lovely friendship.
During the course of our technological friendship, we started to compose a list of people we want to be friends with. Here now is that wish list. I want to note that with the two of us, things change frequently based on our whims and fickle nature, so I'm sure we'll add to it (or edit people from it) as time goes on. But in a perfect world these people would be in our K-Squared Posse':
- Kathy Griffin. We adore anyone who can be both self-depracating and hilarious. She's a fame-whore and proud of it. We like that. And we're not afraid to grovel at her feet to be in our posse'. Or just to have an appearance on My Life on the D-List.
- Jen Lancaster. If you don't know who she is, then we're both disowning you as friends. She is brilliant and hilarious and sarcastic and gets paid to say the things the two of us wish we could say without repercussion. We recommend buying all of her books stat, but if you don't want to do that you should at least check out her blog, Jennsylvania. Seriously, we have mad love for her and her mad love of reality tv. If we had it our way, Jen would visit us weekly and we'd drink wine and watch lots of Tivo'd reality shows together. And our lives would be complete.
- Lady Gaga. Because she doesn't give a flying fudgeball what people think and the gays love her. Plus we can't get Bad Romance out of our heads. And we want her to teach us how to dance. (Sidenote: we came up with the idea to enlist her into our posse' while watching The Grammys.
K-Dub: She should be in our posse'! Her performance was amazing!
KP: YES! And I can steal her starry-orbity dress thingy!
K-Dub: YES! Maybe she'll write a BAD ROMANCE with us! HAHAHAHAHA!!) - Jane Lynch. Nobody can play a character like Sue Sylvester without having a little of her edge in real life. She, too, can get away with saying things that most people would get fired for. Plus we dig the fact that she's fighting the good fight for the LGBT community.
- Tina Fey. Another whip-smart woman on our list. Surprise surprise. Have you not seen 30 Rock? It's pure brilliance! Plus she could help us come up with smart ways to insult the dumb people in our lives.
- Teresa from The Real Housewives of New Jersey. We like her talk of "bubbies" and the fact that she spends money like she's the Queen of England. We'd live vicariously through her. And secretly hope she'd buy us some crazy-expensive furniture.
When all is said and done, we'd be friends with anyone who'll either bring us cupcakes or make us laugh if they're not on the above list. So what I'm trying to say is most people in this world could probably be in our posse'. But we dream big and dammit, we want to host a dinner party where Gaga and Teresa sit across from one another and debate the merits of feminism in the 21st century. Wouldn't you?
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